Then before you make another sexist joke
And ask me to laugh it off,
What about the girl who works under the nasty tea shop owner?
What about the girl, who, with her tiny, frail hands
cleans all your leftovers?
What about the woman, who works day in and day out;
Only to hand over all her savings to her tyrant
What about her?

What about the mothers, who felt the pain,
Of their daughters being killed inside their wombs?
Or she, who is forced to sleep with strange men in enclosed, stingy rooms?
Or the bride, who was forced to marry a man,
when society failed to accept,
her love for another woman.
“Shameless”, they said….
What about her?

What about she, who chose the noose, even when she was in,
The middle place with a rite of passage?
Or the outrageously beautiful woman,
who fell a prey, into the precocious love trap
of a man way past her age.
What about her?

What about the woman who works late, but comes home to questions like:
“Did you drink too much?” or “Did you smoke too less?”
Or she, who ensures your welfare?
But receives, “You’re just a housewife”, and compliments about being a mess.
What about her?

What about them? What about us?
What about the fact, that she is a glorious swaddle of
Extreme glee and grief?
Will we believe that, teetering between implausible explanations?
So long, our eyes behold, so long shall you believe!